12.1 Traffic flow¶
Example 12.1.1
In the following definition we allow the velocity to be specified as a parameter.
[x, Dx, Dxx] = diffper(300, [-4, 4]);
f = @(t, u, c) -c * (Dx*u);
ivp = ode(ODEFcn=f);
ivp.Parameters = 2;
ivp.InitialTime = 0;
ivp.RelativeTolerance = 1e-5;
The following initial condition isn’t mathematically periodic, but the deviation is less than machine precision. We specify RK4 as the solver.
u_init = 1 + exp(-3*x.^2);
ivp.InitialValue = u_init;
t = linspace(0, 3, 201);
sol = solve(ivp, t);
U = sol.Solution;
waterfall(x, t(1:5:end), U(:, 1:5:end)')
view(-13, 65)
xlabel('x'), ylabel('t'), zlabel('u(x,t)')
title('Advection equation')
![Image produced in Jupyter](/build/069ac5a9daed08e3a63cafd24ecc95db.png)
An animation shows the solution nicely. The bump moves with speed 2 to the right, reentering on the left as it exits to the right because of the periodic conditions.
plot(x, U(:, 1))
hold on, grid on
axis([-4, 4, 0.9, 2.1])
title('Advection equation with periodic boundary')
xlabel('x'), ylabel('u(x,t)')
vid = VideoWriter("figures/advection-periodic.mp4","MPEG-4");
vid.Quality = 85;
for frame = 1:length(t)
cla, plot(x, U(:, frame))
str = sprintf("t = %.2f", t(frame));
text(-3.5, 1.9, str);
writeVideo(vid, frame2im(getframe(gcf)));
Example 12.1.2
The following are parameters and a function relevant to defining the problem.
rho_c = 1080; rho_m = 380; q_m = 10000;
Q0prime = @(rho) 4*q_m*rho_c^2 * (rho_c - rho_m) * rho_m ...
*(rho_m - rho) ./ ((rho_c - 2*rho_m) * rho + rho_c * rho_m).^3;
ep = 0.02;
Here we create a discretization on points.
[x, Dx, Dxx] = diffper(800, [0, 4]);
Next we define the ODE resulting from the method of lines.
odefun = @(t, rho) -Q0prime(rho) .* (Dx*rho) + ep * (Dxx*rho);
ivp = ode(ODEFcn=odefun);
ivp.InitialTime = 0;
ivp.RelativeTolerance = 1e-5;
Our first initial condition has moderate density with a small bump. Because of the diffusion present, we use a stiff solver for the IVP.
rho_init = 400 + 10 * exp(-20*(x-3).^2);
ivp.InitialValue = rho_init;
t = linspace(0, 1, 101);
sol = solve(ivp, t);
RHO = sol.Solution;
for plot_idx = 1:20:101
str = sprintf("t = %.2f", t(plot_idx));
plot(x, RHO(:, plot_idx), displayname=str)
hold on
xlabel('x'), ylabel('car density')
title('Traffic flow')
![Image produced in Jupyter](/build/65f5d86f110ec3f309c9db43d8f4cf31.png)
The bump slowly moves backward on the roadway, spreading out and gradually fading away due to the presence of diffusion.
plot(x, RHO(:, 1))
hold on, grid on
axis([0, 4, 398, 410])
title('Traffic flow')
xlabel('x'), ylabel('u(x,t)')
vid = VideoWriter("figures/traffic-small.mp4","MPEG-4");
vid.Quality = 85;
for frame = 1:length(t)
cla, plot(x, RHO(:, frame))
str = sprintf("t = %.2f", t(frame));
text(0.2, 409, str);
writeVideo(vid, frame2im(getframe(gcf)));
Now we use an initial condition with a larger bump. Note that the scale on the -axis is much different for this solution.
rho_init = 400 + 80 * exp( -16*(x - 3).^2 );
ivp.InitialValue = rho_init;
t = linspace(0, 0.5, 81);
sol = solve(ivp, t);
RHO = sol.Solution;
for plot_idx = 1:16:81
str = sprintf("t = %.2f", t(plot_idx));
plot(x, RHO(:, plot_idx), displayname=str)
hold on
xlabel('x'), ylabel('car density')
title('Traffic jam')
![Image produced in Jupyter](/build/79c72d9cae61afe2bfae60cdc0ae1a18.png)
plot(x, RHO(:, 1))
hold on, grid on
axis([0, 4, 395, 480])
title('Traffic jam')
xlabel('x'), ylabel('u(x,t)')
vid = VideoWriter("figures/traffic-jam.mp4", "MPEG-4");
vid.Quality = 85;
for frame = 1:length(t)
cla, plot(x, RHO(:, frame))
str = sprintf("t = %.2f", t(frame));
text(0.2, 470, str);
writeVideo(vid, frame2im(getframe(gcf)));
In this case the density bump travels backward along the road. It also steepens on the side facing the incoming traffic and decreases much more slowly on the other side. A motorist would experience this as an abrupt increase in density, followed by a much more gradual decrease in density and resulting gradual increase in speed. (You also see some transient, high-frequency oscillations. These are caused by instabilities, as we discuss in simpler situations later in this chapter.)
12.2 Upwinding and stability¶
Example 12.2.3
[x, Dx] = diffper(400, [0, 1]);
c = 2;
ivp = ode(ODEFcn = @(t, u) -c * (Dx*u));
ivp.RelativeTolerance = 1e-5;
ivp.InitialTime = 0;
u_init = exp( -80*(x - 0.5).^2 );
ivp.InitialValue = u_init;
[u, sol] = solutionFcn(ivp, 0, 2);
t = linspace(0, 2, 81);
contour(x, t, u(t)', 12)
xlabel('x'), ylabel('t')
title('Linear advection')
![Image produced in Jupyter](/build/0b740f443811cbc71faa38d6b584c88b.png)
In the space-time plot above, you can see the initial hump traveling rightward at constant speed. It fully traverses the domain once for each integer multiple of .
If we cut by a factor of 2 (i.e., double ), then the CFL condition suggests that the time step should be cut by a factor of 2 also.
num_steps_400 = length(sol.Time) - 1
[x, Dx] = diffper(800, [0, 1]);
ivp.ODEFcn = @(t, u) -c * (Dx*u);
ivp.InitialValue = exp( -80*(x - 0.5).^2 );
[u, sol] = solutionFcn(ivp, 0, 2);
num_steps_800 = length(sol.Time) - 1
ratio = num_steps_800 / num_steps_400
Example 12.2.6
If we solve advection over with velocity , the right boundary is in the upwind/inflow direction. Thus a well-posed boundary condition is .
We’ll pattern a solution after Function 11.5.2. Since , we define the ODE interior problem (11.5.4) for without . For each evaluation of , we must extend the data back to first.
m = 100; c = -1;
[x, Dx] = diffmat2(m, [0, 1]);
chop = @(u) u(1:m);
extend = @(v) [v; 0];
odefun = @(t, v) -c * chop( Dx * extend(v) );
ivp = ode(ODEFcn = odefun);
ivp.RelativeTolerance = 1e-5;
ivp.InitialTime = 0;
Now we solve for an initial condition that has a single hump.
u_init = exp( -80*(x - 0.5).^2 );
ivp.InitialValue = chop(u_init);
sol = solutionFcn(ivp, 0, 1);
u = @(t) [sol(t); zeros(1, length(t))]; % extend to zero at right
t = linspace(0, 1, 81);
clf, contour(x, t, u(t)', 0.15:0.2:1)
xlabel x, ylabel t
title('Advection with inflow BC')
![Image produced in Jupyter](/build/f9926ce48dd0b5782e38127067852b11.png)
We find that the hump gracefully exits out the downwind end.
plot(x, u(0))
hold on
axis([0, 1, -0.05, 1.05])
title('Advection with inflow BC')
xlabel('x'), ylabel('u(x,t)')
vid = VideoWriter("figures/advection-inflow.mp4", "MPEG-4");
vid.Quality = 85;
for frame = 1:length(t)
cla, plot(x, u(t(frame)))
str = sprintf("t = %.2f", t(frame));
text(0.08, 0.85, str);
writeVideo(vid, frame2im(getframe(gcf)));
If instead of we were to try to impose the downwind condition , we only need to change the index of the interior nodes and where to append the zero value.
chop = @(u) u(2:m+1);
extend = @(v) [0; v];
ivp.ODEFcn = @(t, v) -c * chop( Dx * extend(v) );
ivp.InitialValue = chop(u_init);
sol = solutionFcn(ivp, 0, 1);
u = @(t) [zeros(1, length(t)); sol(t)];
contour(x, t, u(t)', 0.15:0.2:1)
xlabel x, ylabel t
title('Advection with outflow BC')
![Image produced in Jupyter](/build/117cb8d865867e912647ff09ce1b94f4.png)
This time, the solution blows up as soon as the hump runs into the boundary because there are conflicting demands there.
plot(x, u(0))
hold on
axis([0, 1, -0.05, 1.05])
title('Advection with outflow BC')
xlabel('x'), ylabel('u(x,t)')
vid = VideoWriter("figures/advection-outflow.mp4", "MPEG-4");
vid.Quality = 85;
for frame = 1:45
cla, plot(x, u(t(frame)))
str = sprintf("t = %.2f", t(frame));
text(0.08, 0.85, str);
writeVideo(vid, frame2im(getframe(gcf)));
12.3 Absolute stability¶
Example 12.3.1
For we get purely imaginary eigenvalues.
[x, Dx] = diffper(40, [0, 1]);
lambda = eig(Dx);
scatter(real(lambda), imag(lambda))
axis equal, grid on
title('Eigenvalues for pure advection')
![Image produced in Jupyter](/build/de8ff312f302b6de3550b4a3d479b135.png)
Let’s choose a time step of and compare to the stability regions of the Euler and backward Euler time steppers (shown as shaded regions):
zc = exp( 1i * linspace(0,2*pi,361)' ); % points on |z|=1
z = zc - 1; % shift circle left by 1
clf, fill(real(z), imag(z), [.8, .8, 1])
hold on, scatter(real(0.1*lambda), imag(0.1*lambda))
axis equal, axis square
axis([-5, 5, -5, 5]), grid on
![Image produced in Jupyter](/build/2e130e002bdc163a77c0ad639e993d5f.png)
In the Euler case it’s clear that no real value of is going to make ζ values fit within the stability region. Any method whose stability region includes none of the imaginary axis is an unsuitable choice for advection.
clf, fill([-6, 6, 6, -6],[-6, -6, 6, 6], [.8, .8, 1])
z = zc + 1; % shift circle right by 1
hold on, scatter(real(0.1*lambda), imag(0.1*lambda))
fill(real(z), imag(z), 'w')
axis equal, axis square
axis([-5 5 -5 5]), grid on
title('backward Euler')
![Image produced in Jupyter](/build/55369fcdbbd23cd539b7ff4a2b0cdc43.png)
The A-stable backward Euler time stepping tells the exact opposite story: it will be absolutely stable for any choice of the time step τ.
Example 12.3.2
The eigenvalues of advection-diffusion are near-imaginary for and get closer to the negative real axis as ε increases.
[x, Dx, Dxx] = diffper(40, [0, 1]);
tau = 0.1;
for ep = [0.001 0.01 0.05]
lambda = eig(-Dx + ep*Dxx);
str = sprintf("\\epsilon = %.3f", ep);
scatter(real(tau*lambda), imag(tau*lambda), displayname=str)
hold on
axis equal, grid on
title('Eigenvalues for advection-diffusion')
![Image produced in Jupyter](/build/c5c533ec481d527acf7fdc22e9336d75.png)
Example 12.3.3
Deleting the last row and column places all the eigenvalues of the discretization into the left half of the complex plane.
[x, Dx, Dxx] = diffcheb(40, [0, 1]);
A = -Dx(2:end, 2:end); % leave out first row and column
lambda = eig(A);
scatter(real(lambda), imag(lambda))
axis equal, grid on
title('Eigenvalues of advection with zero inflow')
![Image produced in Jupyter](/build/4b9e82434fa887307c04e30a36fa80dd.png)
Note that the rightmost eigenvalues have real part at most
Consequently all solutions decay exponentially to zero as . This matches our observation of the solution: eventually, everything flows out of the domain.
12.4 The wave equation¶
Example 12.4.1
c = 2; m = 200;
[x, Dx] = diffcheb(m, [-1, 1]);
The boundary values of are given to be zero, so they are not unknowns in the ODEs. Instead they are added or removed as necessary.
chop = @(u) u(2:m);
extend = @(v) [0; v; 0];
The following function computes the time derivative of the system at interior points.
function dw_dt = wave(t, w, param)
[c, m, Dx, chop, extend] = param{:};
u = extend(w(1:m-1));
z = w(m:2*m);
du_dt = Dx * z;
dz_dt = c.^2 .* (Dx * u);
dw_dt = [ chop(du_dt); dz_dt ];
Our initial condition is a single hump for .
u_init = exp( -100*x.^2 );
z_init = -u_init;
w_init = [ chop(u_init); z_init ];
Because the wave equation is hyperbolic, we can use a nonstiff explicit solver.
ivp = ode(ODEFcn=@f124wave);
ivp.InitialTime = 0;
ivp.InitialValue = w_init;
ivp.RelativeTolerance = 1e-4;
ivp.Parameters = {c, m, Dx, chop, extend};
t = linspace(0, 2, 101);
sol = solve(ivp, t);
We plot the results for the original variable only. Its interior values are at indices 1:m-1
of the composite variable.
W = sol.Solution;
n = length(t)-1;
U = [ zeros(1, n+1); W(1:m-1, :); zeros(1, n+1) ];
cmap = zeros(256, 3);
cmap(129:end, 1) = 2/3;
cmap(1:128, 2) = linspace(1, 0, 128);
cmap(129:256, 2) = linspace(0, 1, 128);
cmap(1:128, 3) = linspace(1, 0.5, 128);
cmap(129:256, 3) = linspace(0.5, 1, 128);
cmap = hsv2rgb(cmap);
clf, contour(x, t, U', 24, linewidth=2)
colormap(cmap), clim([-1, 1])
xlabel x, ylabel t
title("Wave equation with boundaries")
![Image produced in Jupyter](/build/bb45943ca342548e98ae47462cae2d1f.png)
plot(x, U(:, 1))
hold on
axis([-1, 1, -1.05, 1.05])
title("Wave equation with boundaries")
xlabel('x'), ylabel('u(x,t)')
vid = VideoWriter("figures/wave-boundaries.mp4", "MPEG-4");
vid.Quality = 85;
for frame = 1:length(t)
cla, plot(x, U(:, frame))
str = sprintf("t = %.2f", t(frame));
text(-0.92, 0.85, str, fontsize=16);
writeVideo(vid, frame2im(getframe(gcf)));
The original hump breaks into two pieces of different amplitudes, each traveling with speed . They pass through one another without interference. When a hump encounters a boundary, it is perfectly reflected, but with inverted shape. At time , the solution looks just like the initial condition.
Example 12.4.2
We now use a wave speed that is discontinuous at .
m = 120;
[x, Dx] = diffcheb(m, [-1, 1]);
c = 1 + (sign(x) + 1) / 2;
chop = @(u) u(2:m);
extend = @(v) [0; v; 0];
u_init = exp( -100*(x + 0.5).^2 );
z_init = -u_init;
ivp.InitialValue = [ chop(u_init); z_init ];
ivp.Parameters = {c, m, Dx, chop, extend};
sol = solve(ivp, t);
W = sol.Solution;
U = [ zeros(1, n+1); W(1:m-1, :); zeros(1, n+1) ];
clf, contour(x, t, U', 24, linewidth=2)
colormap(cmap), clim([-1, 1])
xlabel x, ylabel t
title("Wave equation with variable speed")
![Image produced in Jupyter](/build/1d38cef275b3ee22eedb686409a5afaf.png)
plot(x, U(:, 1))
hold on
axis([-1, 1, -1.05, 1.05])
title("Wave equation with variable speed")
xlabel('x'), ylabel('u(x,t)')
vid = VideoWriter("figures/wave-speed.mp4", "MPEG-4");
vid.Quality = 85;
for frame = 1:length(t)
cla, plot(x, U(:, frame))
str = sprintf("t = %.2f", t(frame));
text(-0.92, 0.85, str, fontsize=16);
writeVideo(vid, frame2im(getframe(gcf)));
Each pass through the interface at generates a reflected and transmitted wave. By conservation of energy, these are both smaller in amplitude than the incoming bump.