The topics in this chapter come mainly under the heading of approximation theory, on which there are many good references. A thorough introduction to polynomial interpolation and approximation, emphasizing the complex plane and going well beyond the basics given here, is Trefethen (2013). A more thorough treatment of the least-squares case is given in Davis (1963).
A thorough comparison of Clenshaw–Curtis and Gauss–Legendre integration is given in Trefethen (2008).
The literature on the FFT is vast; a good place to start is with the brief and clear original paper by Cooley and Tukey Cooley & Tukey (1965). A historical perspective by Cooley on the acceptance and spread of the method can be found at the SIAM History Project at http://
Doubly exponential integration, by contrast, is not often included in books. The original idea is presented in the readable paper Takahasi & Mori (1973), and the method is compared to Gaussian quadrature in Bailey et al. (2005), which is the source of some of the integration exercises in Improper integrals.
- Trefethen, L. N. (2013). Approximation Theory and Approximation Practice. SIAM.
- Davis, P. J. (1963). Interpolation and Approximation. Blaisdell Publishing Company.
- Trefethen, L. N. (2008). Is Gauss Quadrature Better than Clenshaw–Curtis? SIAM Review, 50(1), 67–87. 10.1137/060659831
- Cooley, J. W., & Tukey, J. W. (1965). An Algorithm for the Machine Calculation of Complex Fourier Series. Mathematics of Computation, 19(90), 297–301. 10.1090/S0025-5718-1965-0178586-1
- Nash, S. (1990). A History of Scientific Computing. Addison-Wesley Publishing Company.